Spring Cloud: Zuul, Eureka Integration in SpringBoot Applications
What is Zuul: Zuul is a proxy server which uses filter to perform authentication, authorization, real-time monitoring, dynamic routing, load shedding, and static response handling....
Centralized Authentication and Authorization API Gateway
A brief description of how we have implemented a centralized Authentication and Authorization API Gateway...
Conditional Rendering in React
Whenever we are developing a React application, we often need to show or hide an element based on a condition. For instance, a react component...
Data Pipeline for Near Real Time Analytics at Large Scale – Part 1
Introduction Before I start with what a Data Pipeline means and why near Real Time Analytics is important, I want to touch upon some very...
In App Updates in Android
What is In App Updates ? As we all know android devices are mostly used devices in the world, around 1.3 billion people are using...